Sunday, May 27, 2012

Falling Behind

I utterly forgot that me leaving for a week (for my cousin's wedding in Kansas) would absolutely sabotage my gardening plans.
Fortunately, I remembered before it was too late to do anything.
UNfortunately, I didn't remembered until there wasn't enough time left to do much.

Everything going on right now is a good-news-bad-news kind of scenario.
Good: Brian got tires!  Bad: We only have 8 of them in the ground and OMG is it a lot of work.
Good: Peas came up!  Bad: I planted 2 20' rows and only about 8 plants germinated. Good: I had more peas to plant!
Good: A carrot came up!  Bad: A single carrot came up. Out of 40 square feet of seeds.
Good: The potatoes look amazing!  Bad: Not a single f--king lettuce sprouted!
Good: All my hose and my sprinkler heads are in great shape!  Bad: The f--king irrigation won't turn on so I can't use the g-ddamn hose.
There are about five more cursewords in that last sentence when I say it out loud.
You get the idea.
I'm soaking beans tonight and I plan to put them all in the ground tomorrow morning. Maybe tomorrow afternoon. We're helping a friend move so that makes a mess of things.

I called the landscaper and asked him to please come make my sprinklers work. I don't really care about the lawn... its the poor thirsty seedlings I'm concerned about. If it rains while I'm gone it won't be a big deal, but if it doesn't  the garden will be a wash because I don't know if I can rely on my housesitter to come out every other day with the hose and soak the important parts.
I'm not sure the inside plants will get watered. Those at least I know I can either salvage or replace.


The cats are going insane. I have to stop typing now before everything I own is destroyed.


  1. When Tad and I were ninja-gardening our farm before we technically owned it, we had to figure out a way to keep baby seedlings moist for up to a week at a time until we managed to make the drive back out here.

    Which, as you are probably aware, is a very tricky thing to do in June in Missouri.

    After giving everything a thorough soaking, we layered cardboard along the edge of each seedling (and over-top anything that had not sprouted yet). Weighing it down with stones and clumps of clay, we gave the cardboard a thorough soaking as well.

    It worked out so awesome, that we now have cardboard in every single bed, with the addition of straw on top to help keep the cardboard from blowing away. Everything was still nice and moist when we would visit the farm days later.

    I hope you can keep your babies from drying out!

    1. This is brilliant. Thank you! If the landscaper doesn't get my sprinklers fixed I'll definitely be able to use cardboard.
